Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Waiting Starts . . . Again

Check your ego at the door, Mrs. Chako. Today, I come to you humbled.


I landed in Chicago. There was a voice mail from our area partner. About this time of year, it can only be about one thing, for those of us seeking promotion.

Unfortunately, although I accurately guessed the subject, the answer was not the one I wanted to hear. Not this year, at least.

Big ego blow. Of course, I realized it was a crap shoot. So much of our promotion depends on the economics. The business case. After all, no one wants to share their piece of the pie with the new girl unless the pie is getting bigger. Funny how that works. I got the whole "your package looks great" speech.

Of course my package looks great. Oh, you weren't talking about that package . . .

So now, I spend the next year retooling myself, polishing up the application AGAIN, and working on my package. And the business case.

The upside? No moving. Yet. And finally the Dr., who takes off his rank in less than 2 months and becomes a civilian, can make a choice about what he's going to do when he grows up.

Son #1 is growing up. When I told him, he said "Don't worry, Mom. You'll make it. I know you will."


I know I will too. But it does feel a little better when others are confident too. Thanks, son, at least for knowing the right words to say.

I'm trying to stay positive. Our area partner gave me a couple options, including branching out into a whole new area in our practice. It would be unfamiliar, but maybe a better route. It would mean remaking myself. Again. Which, as you get older, seems to get a little trickier. But maybe I can pull some rabbits out of the hat.

That is, as long as I don't run them over.

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife


BamBam said...

As both of us sat here and read this this morning, we said the exact same thing out loud.

"Don't worry M, you'll make it. It's their loss.... for now!"

Group ((((HUGS)))

Unknown said...

A friend once told me that "Getting what we want wouldn't be wanted if it wasn't a pain in the ass".

Show them that you will do what you do every day, go the extra mile and you will achieve what you want.

As Bam Bam said, it is there loss. Not yours.

Your friends are here if you need us. As my dad said once to me, "Take this moment to grieve this tragedy in your life."

"Thanks Dad"

"Moments over, get back to work!"

We love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. so heartfelt, such love. I Was thinking... "shouldn't we all see the total package before we judge?"

BUt I don't want to seem like an ass. so. It IS their loss.


DrChako said...

We're here. Always.

-The Husband (and the kids, too!)

Easycure said...

Even people like me, who have not had the pleasure of meeting you (yet), are confidant that who will get what you've earned.

Keep that chin up, and be thankful you don't have 3 chins, as I do.



SirFWALGMan said...

I have seen your package in person. Tight little package it is. It does look great! Wait did I miss something? Ah well.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. It could be worse.
atleast you still have a Job.


Unknown said...

The time will come when the time is right.

Good luck :)