Wednesday, May 21, 2008

All That Comes After . . .

After the first sleepless night with tears of self-pity, I attempted to keep my own issues in check and to spend time with family as I intended.


The wedding was beautiful. This part of my family is the closest, most loving group of people we have. They are always there for each other. Always have a hug. This weekend was no different. While I love being independent and on our own, there is something welcoming about this whole gaggle of family members. It's my version of the womb, I guess.


The kids had a blast. They only get to see their cousins once or twice a year. But when they get together, its like they haven't been apart. This kind of sums it up.


The picture above is representative of a truism about children. It matters not how many activities you plan, or how much money you spend. Just make sure the kids have access to a pool, and all will be well. Woe to those unwise parents who rent a hotel with no pool . . .


I sent my family home early. DrChako had work, Son #1 had school, au pair had two classes. I stayed behind with the family women (and one nephew). We spent one evening with my dear, dear godmother (she's a saint here on earth, and I'm not even Catholic). The next morning, we had breakfast together, then went girl shopping. I bought all my ladies a present and had lots of fun being their fashion advisor. I even took my nephew to get him anything he wanted. He was easy. Made his decision before we got in the store. Just wanted an Action Replay for his DS. I love boys. They are so easy.


After a day with family, I had a great dinner with an old friend. At a fru-fru French restaurant. Complete with the French waiter who talked exactly like he had cotton in his mouth. Who recommended French wines with names I couldn't pronounce and offered them to me as if I would know the difference between the choices. I even had ratatouille. I felt so French. Filled my belly with food, my head with conversation.


Back at the hotel, I indulged in one of my guilty pleasures. I love my husband. And when he was gone, I missed having someone in my bed. But once in a while, I love to indulge in a little selfish pleasure. A giant, king-sized bed all to myself. Down duvet. Perfect white sheets. Four giant king-sized pillows. Two for my head. One for each side. Perfect, luxurious comfort. No one to hog my space. Breathe my air. Snore. Make other disturbing sounds.

It was one of the best sleeps I've had in awhile. And the dreams . . .


I'm still not promoted. This year. But we're moving on. Next week, we go on a family vacation with dear old friends. Beach vacation. The following weekend, we're in Vegas. And after that, we move on with the routine of life.

I'm trying to be thankful for those things that I have each day that are good.

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife


Anonymous said...

I love you sis. You're blogs make me happy, smile, and greatful.

DrChako said...

"Make other disturbing sounds."

I'm just hearing about this now? In a blog?


-The Husband

Betty Underground said...

That poor girl looks completely annoyed by all those boys. I know the look. I make it often!

RaisingCayne said...

Being thankful's overrated. I prefer being bitter about everything I don't have rather than grateful for what I do.

I jest! Enjoyed the post M. Hope you and the family are all happy and well. Let me know when you and the Doc want to arrange another home game, as I'm always down.

Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend.