Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 - Day 1

I woke up to an accidental alarm . . . but can't complain, because it got me up early enough to catch a New Year's virtual kiss or wish or two from good friends. And I got to go back to sleep until like 10:30.

I finished cleaning my house. I hate cleaning (which is why I vowed to use part of my paycheck for the rest of my life to pay for cleaning services), but I'm very thorough, and I love how clean everything is when I'm done.

I started a turkey in the oven right after noon. Prepared all the fixings. Took a nap in the down time. Finished the last details with a little help from CA April while we noshed on appetizers. Welcomed Betty just before dinner was ready.

Had a great homemade dinner with family and friends until we couldn't eat anymore.

Downloaded pictures from our trip to Disneyland. Watched a family movie with my little guy while he drew pictures.

Got kisses from all my boys. And this, from my littlest guy (including pirhanas!).

The first day of 2010 started off pretty good, I'd say. Not the stuff they make blockbuster movies about. But the kind of days I hope continue to fill up the chapters of life.

Can't wait to see what Day 2 holds . . .
Respectfully submitted,
The Wife

1 comment:

The Sister said...

awwww! That letter is so cute!