Saturday, April 5, 2008

How Did You Get Here?

I know how most of my readers get here. Our loosely woven blogger community with its interlocking threads of poker and Las Vegas and life is still the biggest part of my readership. Those of you who read me more regularly have me linked up, too.

But every so often I go to sitemeter to find out how the rest of you got here. Sometimes it reminds me to go read some of you who link me that I haven't read in a while.

Then some of them just tickle me. The Google searches. Here are a few of the ones that have led to my blog recently:
  • "wife with no panty" (the panty posts have always been about WEARING panties)
  • "wearing panties" (See?)
  • "Benicio Murillo" (Yeah, he's hot)
  • "show me your wife"
  • "under the dress"
  • "wife car nipples" (I don't think I have any nipple posts - but now I'm sure I'll get some nipple traffic)
  • "panties showing crack" (must have been looking for plumbers)

    and my personal favorite . . .
  • "wife takes it up the a-- story" (did I miss this one? was someone guest posting?)

With searches like that, I wonder if they are disappointed when they get here?

I think I'm going to start putting labels on my posts that have nothing to do with the post, but might increase the number of weirdos who traffic my blog. Hey, traffic is traffic, right?

Now I gotta go finish getting ready for a party. Stop by and wish DrChako happy birthday today!

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife

1 comment:

PENolan said...

It all started when I discovered a post entitled "Gayle's Panties" on my blog is listed along with one of your posts. I followed a link and here I am.