Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Wish the men in your life a "Happy Father's Day" . . . they deserve it. Usually.

Who's the shoe whore now?

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife


DrChako said...

Ummmm... that would be me.

-The Husband

RaisingCayne said...

Oops, I knew I forgot to do something yesterday. The belated call to my Pa is gonna have to happen today. Oops!

Loved the Rhino write up M! Good stuff! I can't believe you and the hubby received comments regarding one entertainer's shift ending soon and didn't inquire further! Any reference to a shift ending within the hour is strip club code for "available after!" Geez, I thought the Doc would've known this! (But for your peace of mind it's not like you two will "never know" how much that would've run you... as I can always advise the going rate anytime. ;-)

I jest! (Sort of...)

DrChako said...

What makes you think we didn't?

-The Husband