Sunday, June 15, 2008

Things That Make You Go "Hmmmm . . . "

If you are a parent, you're prepared for those little moments when your kids ask you questions or make comments that either make you want to laugh, scream, or immediately run to make sure there hasn't been a major medical emergency. Or just go "hmmmm . . . " Such as Son #1's commentary on Mom vs. Jenna Jameson.

Last night, DrChako and I were playing one last night of Hold 'em before Nana Judy returned home, when Son #1 came down and asked "Is there any reason why Son #2 might have stuffed something down his pants and won't let me see what it is?"

There just isn't a good answer for this one. I was alternately amused that 5-year old Son #2 is using his tiny jockey shorts as a hiding place and that 10-year old Son #1 is so troubled by this. We went back to playing cards. Until we heard the bloodcurdling screams.

Apparently Son #1 tried to retrieve what was down Son #2's pants, and then was prepared to rat him out, when Son #2 objected vehemently (screaming) and kicked him in the crotch.

The object of such a heated exchange? A Valentine from one of Son #2's classmates with a Pokemon character on it. I guess when you sleep in your underwear, you don't have pockets for these kind of things . . .

Lesson learned? Much like you should never try to take food from the mouth of a hungry dog . . . never try to retrieve something in someone's jockey shorts without their permission.

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife

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