Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

By the time this posts, I will be elbows deep in deviled eggs, pie materials, and various other Thanksgiving trimmings that I am responsible for in our west coast "family" dinner. "Family" that I share no blood with, but with whom I share the circumstance of being far away from blood each year.

Like the rest of you, I will drink too much wine, eat too much turkey, and consume too many calories contained in Cool Whip, sweetened condensed milk, and pie crust. But before I render myself thoughtless in my gluttony . . . the things I am thankful for:
  1. A husband that drives me crazy, but cares enough about me spend five hours looking at shoes on the internet and talking to gay shoe salesmen to buy me the indulgence of a lifetime for my 40th birthday. And still thinks I'm sexy enough to wear them.
  2. An oldest son that refuses to wear anything but dark jeans, black court shoes, and random dark t-shirts, spends all day brushing his shaggy hair out of his eyes, but still has the heart to say "I want to marry a girl who's beautiful and smart, like Dad did . . ." with utmost innocence and sincerity.
  3. A youngest son who leaves me scribbled notes on my bedroom door and sends me off to work each day with sayings like "I love you - ALL THE NUMBERS!"
  4. An au pair who loves my children, respects my family, and is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet (sorry, boys, she's off the market for good in a few months).
  5. A job that makes me work like a dog, think 'til my brain hurts, and live a client-service philosophy every minute of every work day (even when my clients bitch). But, a job. That pays. Pays well. In cash. Twice a month. Never fails. Did I mention, a job?
  6. A house. With a mortgage payments that are current. With an ARM that won't adjust for another 3 years. And equity. Even in a down economy. Because we put down a downpayment and didn't finance something we couldn't afford.
  7. Cash in the bank. Even when the stocks are going in the toilet.
  8. Food. I dropped off a turkey and some trimmings at the local food bank today. Saw the lines of people standing outside. Waiting for community services and food. Happy to have someone's extra ramen noodles at this point.
  9. An extended family whose love I can feel, no matter how distant they all are. And from this corner of the earth, they all seem pretty distant . . .
  10. Friends. Ones I can touch and see on a daily basis. Ones that I see less frequently. But who still drive across a mountain range or two to see me. And ones that I hardly see at all . . . except once or twice a year around the poker room or in a Vegas sportsbook. But who still make time to stop by and say "hi".

So tell me, my IIF's . . . what are you thankful for this year?

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife


Betty Underground said...

It was actually 3 mountain ranges!

Unknown said...

Kids. Wife. Beer.

Got all three yesterday, and still love them :)

Paola said...

Wow!!! I´m in the list!! I´m in the list!!!!!!!!
You know you are the best! And I have no words to thank you!!!! Love you very much!