Thursday, September 20, 2007

Losing My Blogger Virginity

Ok, the title of this post is a little misleading, given that I've co-opted DrChako's blog for a few weeks now. But technically, this is my FIRST official blog of my own. I figured since the good Dr. was now posting regularly, I didn't want to fight for space with him.

Besides, I don't have nearly as many poker stories as he does (or at least that involve raising from middle position with 5-6 suited . . . and yes, dear, I know that's probably not the EXACT hand you'd play like that with), and while some of his readers have diligently read AND commented on my posts (thank you Sean), I figure at some point they just want stories of the desert or donkeys he plays poker with.

Why "The Wife"? I'm a summa cum laude graduate with a Masters degree and a 15-year career and have out-earned my husband in more years than the reverse. Certainly I could have something more auspicious and independent as my blog identity. But what started out as my semi-anonymous moniker in response to my husbands variety of blog posts . . . well, it's just started to fit. Especially in this phase of my life. I have to play a hundred roles each day, but at the end of the day, while DrChako is serving our country as requested, the role that's important to him is "The Wife." She's the one who's making sure that the kids are fed and off to school; that the dogs get fed and bathed; that the bills get paid and the house gets taken care of; that gets Dad his medicine; that the Dr. has access to Safeguard soap and dental floss; that makes sure life here in Federal Way continues to tick while he's half a world away. That's me. I'm lots of things, but at the end of our lives, regardless of what else I do, I'll still be "The Wife."

So join me in my new blog adventure. Maybe you're a wife too. Or you want one, and want to figure out why we think the way we think. Or you'd like to pick a fight with one, just not your own, because you like your bed too much. Maybe you just want a little dirt on DrChako. Or maybe you're just here to give a little support to me while I figure out how to do it all without his help. Either way, tune in to find out what's rolling around in this wife's head . . .

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife


Anonymous said...

If posting your first blog equates to loosing your "blogger virginity", does that mean that my being the first to post a comment to your virgin blog warrents me a prize of some sort? A certificate of appreciation? A medal perhaps? I may not be a wife, but I am a sister, and I love your first blog!It may not be fair that I am the first to comment. I have the advantage of being half way around the world. While it's currenlty 3:48am your time, it's 5:48pm my time. I WIN!

The NL Wife said...

I'm honored to have your comment, dear sister in law. You might be the only person reading at this point, but I'll pretend you're the first because of the time zone.

You win . . . my undying gratitude!


Unknown said...

I just got the notice that you have a new blog.

Welcome to the blogosphere.

NOW that you have it... we have to harass you and now you have to make the trip to Vegas in December :-).

Bring the Au pair...


I am so glad that you tried this.

Keep it going!

Sean aka InstantTragedy