Monday, October 15, 2007

Life Moments

Asking your oldest son to be responsible and get his shower done while you're out filling up the car . . . and coming home to find the house smelling of soap and shampoo, with a sparkling 10 year old walking around with damp hair in his boxer briefs.

Trying to watch your youngest son's soccer game (?) for the third week in a row as he twirls, gets distracted, and trips on invisible obstacles . . . and being there the moment he gets a breakaway play, takes it all the way down, finesses it with some fancy footwork right at the goal, and SCORES!!!!

Dreading the appointment with the garage door repairman . . . and having him quote you a price that is reasonable, fix it inside of 10 minutes, and then tell you don't worry about paying, 'cause he's not charging you.

E-mails from an old friend . . .

Dogs fresh from the groomer, smelling of "pumpkin spice" . . .

When you're dusting the bookshelves and find that picture of you and your honey on that romantic cruise with just the two of you . . .

When your jeans fit a little looser than they did yesterday . . .

When you get a comment from a friend on your blog . . .

Enjoy your life moments!

Respectfully submitted,

The Wife


Unknown said...

For a second I thought you were going to break out into song there Ms. Andrews.

911siren said...

Goddess Bless The Good Stuff in Life!!!

RaisingCayne said...

Getting your test results back from the Doctor office with good news!...

Sleeping in on Sunday morning, and getting up to find your roommate has breakfast for you!...

Searching your medicine cabinet for an Advil, and finding a Vicodin you forgot about...


Okay, so our "life moments" are a little different... but the points the same. :-)

Anonymous said...

raisingcayne is very funny...

Anonymous said...

Does 4 years of perfect attendance in high school qualify me as a geek? I would be happy to be included in that select group as long as you are there with me.

Nana Judy